April 27, 2010

Facebook | Photos of You

Facebook | Photos of You

August 2, 2009


I really want a Bus. No, serioulsy. not like a Hippy bus with rainbows and a stove pipe. But I do want one that is somewhat converted If not a complete conversion. I want to play "show and tell" with North America for my children. I saw some clips from a movie made about this family of 9 children in a pickup camper. This guy was a real nut, but it really looked like this family shared a really great adventure together. Anyhow I am very excited while very afraid. This is livings a dream, but a leap to let got of the "stick house." I am looking into mobile broadband and plan to blog all this. We also hope to make money in the adsense and the other ways I have been looking at. BTW you still can donate ($5-10-20k) The better the bus the better the family blog (LOL) We are more than happy to accept such donations but we will be doing this one way or another. We are building and planning our road business. and enjoying the process. There is a certian "zen" to trip planning and this particular round of planning while fulfilling some long harbored dreams, feels very significant and somehow right.

July 27, 2009


I will being trying out the "money" for nothing offers and scams I find on the internets, I plan to give ya'all a review of what I discover. I have seen quite a few already, Everything from Adsense by google that I have al ready signed up for, to linkshare and others. I have found places to sell stock photos you have taken, and authored content that offers to publish and pay for performance or hype. There are head hunting sites galore and still others offering PDF's for sale or download. What has really amazed me thus far is some of the tricks that are applied with so many of the programs out there. Some are so transparent as to be laughable and still others complex to a high degree so that the manner in which the site own earns money is unclear. Anyhow look for new posts under the Money lable.

July 26, 2009

On Shopping

What? a decient product at an affordable price? Your damn right I shop at Wal-Mart. I gotta do whats right for my family. I even shop at the Swedish Wal-Mart (Ikea). The way I see it Wal-Mart provided two services to a community. Inexpensive goods and Low wage jobs to the the otherwise unhireable. What is the qualification for "greeter? Breathing? I saw at one Wal-Mart a Greeter who was an Elderly Blind Mute Quadriplegic, He sat unmoving at the entrance with a sign posted on his chair " Welcome to Wal-Mart, would you like a cart?" I firmly believe Wal-Mart could save money by replacing this person with a Easel. When you get rid of WalMart Do you plan to hire these people a minimum wage or other wise? Before you try to trash Wal-mart take a closer look who you plan to trash.


Yes, it is almost 3am and my boy is still awake. He is generally arguing every step of the way. Looking up at me with bleary eyes. "I'm not tired Dad, really its ok" Is it?! We went to a Party tonight. Quite the Hen Fest. I will admit that beats the fuck all out of a sausage fest every time. Much better scenery, and little if any sports talk. What the fuck is it with so many men out there that place so much emphasis on the the performance of thier chosen Team? When the team in question wins its always "We won" is if they are somehow validated personally by the victory. I honestly do enjoy a good sporting event, but I have never been able to invest my ego in it.
I do love the looks people give me when they realize I have no interst in the sport (ball sport usually) They have a "Fantasy Team" for. "My Fantasy Team did great this year!" Honestly find a better way to gamble, the payout blows and takes far to long. You will see my how to win at gambling post later on, you simply will not believe how easy it can be.

July 25, 2009


Just a quick hello and reminder that the reason I came here is to make money. You of course are going to help me do that. Do not forget to hit my links and donate ;)